
We are Barry and Leanne, a married couple working together to run a successful BBQ restaurant in Kentucky.  7 years ago we began with a crazy dream and little to no knowledge about the restaurant industry.  Our professional backgrounds were in Law Enforcement and Healthcare.  The learning curve was steep and painful, but, we persevered and created a successful restaurant concept.

We have defied the statistic that most restaurants FAIL within the first 5 years.  No only, have we NOT failed, we are GROWING!  We recently celebrated the 6th year in business by purchasing the restaurant building/property and completing a remodel.  We have expanded our staff and have effective managers in place.  Many doubted that we would make it past the first year, but, we have proven them wrong!

Don’t become another casualty to the restaurant industry.  Let us help you defy the statistics and create your own restaurant success story!